Wednesday, December 14, 2011

6 Week Body Makeover - What's Your Body Type?

The first step of the Michael Thurman 6 Week Body Makeover is to determine what body type you are and the types of foods that will cause your body to lose weight. The body makeover is not a Diet Foods that work with your body to speed up your metabolism and ultimately burn calories. The installation of the Diet Foods growth your metabolism, the more food you'll be able to eat.

Step one entails determining what type of body structure you have. You can determine your body structure by using the body blueprint which comes with the makeover Diet Food choices in the six week body makeover will speed up your metabolism. Type A bodies are more sensitive to safe bet types of carbohydrates such as fruits and starchy vegetables. These types of people should avoid "sweet" and "complex" carbohydrates such as sweet fruits, candy, fruit juices, process grains in breads and pastas. Because of the Type A metabolism, proteins should be microscopic to the leanest types of meats such as halibut, tuna, flounder, cod and egg whites. Also, chicken and turkey rejoinder well with this type of body. A sample meal for a Type A would be tequila-lime grilled halibut, roasted new potatoes and spring vegetable medley.

Diet Sample Menu

A Type B body tends to build and voice lean muscle with relative ease. This is good a factor as lean muscle is the key to boosting your metabolism and losing weight. However, a Body Type B metabolism is still too slow to burn all the calories that are consumed in any given day. These types of people need to stay away from very complex carbohydrates such as potatoes, yams, rice and unrefined pastas. When it comes to protein consumption, the best type of meat is chicken breast, turkey breast, shrimp, crab and other seafood. A Type B should stay away from red meats as the purpose of this diet is to come to be lean, not gain mass.

Type C is similar to a B. However, the contrast in the middle of a B and a C is that these types of people do not have to be as truthful with complex carbohydrates. A typical meal for a C body type is chicken and shrimp stir fry with organery vegetables.

Lastly, Type D bodies tend to have sluggish metabolisms and a lack of sufficient lean muscle tissue. The key to weight loss for a Body Type D is to consume and large amount of high-quality proteins such as lean red meats. This is the opposite of the other body types as the other types of bodies tend to stay away from red meats. Just like B's and A's, these type of bodies should stay away from straightforward carbohydrates that are found in fruits, pure sugars and processed grains.

You do not have to starve yourself in order to lose weight. The key factor is to know what type of body you have and to determine what types of food work well with your body, not against it. So the query is, are you an A, B, C or D?

6 Week Body Makeover - What's Your Body Type?

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