I'm a fairly wholesome someone and "walk my own talk" in the field of natural health, but let me tell you, I had to mentally put in order for the 40-day juice fast that my husband and I completed last summer. These are some of the things we learned from our explore and by doing the fast.
General Juicing Rules:
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o Drink freshly prepared juice and do not store the juice for over 24 hours. If you can't drink it immediately, put it into a glass jar (filled to the top) and put a lid on it to forestall oxidation. Juice rapidly loses therapeutic and nutritional value while storage.
o Raw fruits and vegetables are not always compatible when eaten together. Apples are the exception. You can also mix pears with Jicama.
o Melons should be juiced by themselves. Making the entire meal melon is an option.
o Avoid using pre-bottled or sweetened juices. All the live enzymes are inactivated when they are pasteurized.
o Juices don't stimulate acids to be released from the stomach, but orange and tomato juice are high in acids and you may want to mix these juices with other less acidic ones.
o I've read that cucumbers may not be good to mix with other vegetables as they are in the melon family, but it seems to work fine for us. We do limit cucumber to less than 25% of the total volume however.
o Don't add more than 25% green juice to your vegetable juices (unless you have a barf pail handy!)
o Juicing Greens--you might want to do this in between harder vegetables, the juice sludges at the lowest and doesn't pour out in effect if you juice them first. For example, I juice a merge of carrots, then a bunch of parsley, then cram a merge more carrots in after the parsley to get the juicer interesting again.
o Dilute all fruit juice with water (one part juice to 2-4 parts water) and drink throughout the day. We've found that 2 cups fruit juice blended with ½ tray of ice cubes comes up to 4 cups--the perfect dilution and it's frothy cold.
o Vegetable juices need not be diluted.
Tips for a best Fast:
o Your pre-fast Diet Foods.
o Cut back on some supplements and medications. If you are over 65 you will want to take your daily vitamins (if you are on them) while the fast. You will need to discuss this with your health care team as to which medications should be prolonged with a fast. Ordinarily most medications and supplements are withdrawn while a fast, but exceptions occur--especially when they have to do with the endocrine principles (e.g. Insulin, thyroid, heart medications, etc.) And even though juices supply lots of nutrients, some physicians recommend use of an abbreviated list of vitamins and minerals for elderly fasters.
o If you are hypoglycemic, have someone supervise your fast. You may need to add a protein drink to your schedule or add some egg white powder to your juice.
o If you wear dentures, keep them in while your fast so that your gums will not shrink.
o Do take time out for naps if necessary.
Fasting dips: A fasting dip occasionally happens while fasting as toxins are loosened and cleansed from the body, cell by cell, even within deep tissue. At inevitable times of your fast you may sense feelings of weakness, discouragement, negativity and an overpowering urge to just want to quit (We sure did!) dinky things may seem like big things and emotions, memories and hurts you have harbored from the past are trying to come out. while these times, breathe, meditate, talk to someone who has experienced fasting, pray and do an enema. Tomorrow things will look different. You will have regrouped and can continue the process until your goal is complete.
You can read about our entire 40-day fast by going to our Juice Fast Blog, our daily journal of what we juiced, how we felt, and how it went, at: http://www.naturalhealthtechniques.com/CoachingCorner/juice_fast_blog.htm
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