Weight loss is one tasteless factor that most diabetics have to work on. Depending upon the weight one needs to shed off, a Diet Sample Menus to choose from, however do consult your physician for the best Diet Sample Menu for interesting up to 2000 fat a day. For breakfast, a cup of pasta, along with 2 slices of bread, one egg, a cup of yoghurt that is sugar free and a serving of fruit is good enough. For fats, you can have a 2 slices of bread with a spoon of margarine spread on it.
Lunch can contain of 2 servings of vegetables, and a small measure of chicken or turkey. Fish is an excellent source of vitamins and should be a part of a diabetic diet meal plan. In place of pasta, you may like to have a cup of cooked brown rice or 2 slices of bread with some peanut butter. For evening snack, a cup of herbal tea or coffee is healthy. A fruit and some nuts are good to munch while the evening break. Supper can be servings of either a meat or fish. Baked or roasted meat is delicious as well as healthy. One serving of fruit and 2 servings of vegetables should be included in the meal. A cup of skimmed milk will be easy after a dinner.
Diet Sample Menu
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